Writing Reports in the International Baccalaureate (IB)

Tosca Killoran (EdD)
6 min readDec 14, 2020


It’s true, I don’t believe in report cards. They are an archaic system based on the often subjective views of tired humans. There are so many other more powerful and student driven ways to provide feedback for learning. That being said, in many schools, districts and countries it is still report card season! So, if we have to do them, let’s do them right!

Every new teacher struggles with how to write reports objectively and as data driven as possible. Many turn to sites like Teacher Pay Teachers for banks of comments. However, every experienced IB Teacher knows that it takes time and practice to develop the report comment skill, just like everything else in teaching. Buying a bank of comments discourages teachers from connecting in authentic ways with parents and students, and what do we want as teachers?

To have lasting impact on the children in our care.

Here I have put together a simple guidebook for new teachers for developing report card comments in better alignment with contemporary practice for reporting.

Practice On PYP Comments

How do these comments stack up? What should be changed?

Henry continues to do well in our language arts coursework. He is an avid reader, although at time his attention can drift from the task at hand. He is careful and deliberate in his writing, and always works hard to make sure that the work he produces is of high quality. he is also ready to write second and third drafts, and makes a clear effort to take comments into consideration and produce improved work with each iteration.

Henry has shown awesome sportsmanship!

Henry did a great job. I was especially impressed with his dedication to the clock project. He excels with hands-on activities.

Henry is showing a great deal of interest in the works of great artists of the Impressionist period. He is able to express his feelings about the art clearly using appropriate terminology.

Henry has worked hard in Spanish class this semester. He is eager to learn about the cultures of the Spanish speaking world and is particularly attentive for our in class discussions about the cultural backgrounds of different countries. He does quite well on his work both in class and at home.

Practice On MYP Comments

How do these comments stack up? What should be changed?

Jill has achieved most of the expected learning standards in Data Management, and Numbers and Operations. For example, she can create various graphs following models but has some difficulty interpreting graphs. She struggles with the standards in Geometry, such as the relationship of surface area to volume. She is encouraged to refer to whole-class sample problems when working independently.

Jill had a very positive start to the school year. She participates enthusiastically in class discussions and demonstrates leadership in group activities, contributing her ideas and respectfully acknowledging the ideas of her peers. She generally uses class time effectively, focusing on the task at hand and asking questions when necessary. Taking the time to use the set criteria to review and improve assignments before submission should be a focus for Jill in the next term. In our Integrated Studies unit on the governments of ancient civilizations, her group of four chose to study the governmental structures of ancient Greece and ancient Rome. Her work demonstrated exemplary use of research processes to gather and interpret information from a variety of sources. Her contribution to the group’s final project, a scripted panel discussion, was organized, accurate, and detailed.

Jill has demonstrated a solid grasp of concepts covered and enjoys challenges which require application of these concepts.

Jill must be commended for her positive attitude and her willingness to take risks in her learning.

Practice On DP Comments

How do these comments stack up? What should be changed?

Priscilla has achieved highly in IB DP Economics this semester. Due to her hard work and comprehensive understanding, she is now equipped with a good portfolio of Internal Assessments, which will count towards 20% of he IB grade. One of her strengths is that she takes the time to come and see me outside of the class, if she requires additional help. Priscilla has covered a huge amount of content this semester. Over the forthcoming break, I recommend she takes some time to relax. After this, it is essential that she commits to a dedicated revision program.She will be given a sizeable study packet, which she will be expected work her way through.

Priscilla has shown a good attitude about trying to improve in mathematics. The following suggestions might improve her skills. Use past IB papers to solve as many problems as possible, hopefully that will make Priscilla improve steadily.

Priscilla has developed a good group of thoughtful art pieces that showed good exploration of ideas, images and forms that are clearly and strongly integrated with her life and cultural context. I am really pleased with the improvement she has made. Priscilla is an intelligent and creative young lady. She began the year very well, but seems to have reduced the amount of effort she puts into her work this term.

Priscilla made a strong effort in the last two weeks of the semester and was able to demonstrate improvement in the organization of her writing, her analysis and her use of the concepts of the unit studied. Priscilla is not still at the expected level of a Language A class and she struggles with basic language errors, organizing her writing and moving past simple summary and into critical analysis. She has been asked to stay for extra help time, but missed nearly all of the scheduled sessions this year, despite creating appointments multiple times. I need to see more participation in class and better commitment from Priscilla for her to be successful in the coming year.

If you have further questions or would like to talk to me about moving beyond report cards entirely please connect with me on Twitter: @ToscaKilloran.



Tosca Killoran (EdD)
Tosca Killoran (EdD)

Written by Tosca Killoran (EdD)

#Educator, #Author, #EdTechCoach, #InternationalBaccalaureate, #Equity, #TEDxOrganizer, #GlobalCitizen

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